To get accurate stuff cutting, the digital method used is called laser cutting. It’s a highly precise, digital cutting process mostly used for Signage, High-Tech Industries, Project Modeling, Corporate Gift Box, and Awards.
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The laser cutting machines can cut any object thickness up to 2-3 inches and more in the depth, the thickness depends on the characteristic of stuff. Applying high power to produce a high density of laser beam on materials. The scrape Gets Cut Off, Burn Out, Melt, or Vaporized and gets it very Accurate Cut.
Kinds of stuff cut through laser cutting machines
Laser cutting machines come in a different power of laser beam and sizes to be cut for different materials.
Mostly this application is made for the fabrication of metals and non-metals raw materials or finished products made in groups need to separate with the best quality of finished fabrications.
Metal Stuff: Iron | Steel | Aluminium | Brass | Copper | Titanium |ACP Sheet
Non-Metal Stuff: Foam | Plastic | Wood | Paper |Card Board |Leather | Stone | Rubber | Cloth, etc.
These all the stuff are different types of nature point of view hardness so it required different types of power beam to cut it.
Best laser cutting machine for business card and brochure DUPLO
Laser Cut Product
Fancy Wedding Card, Acrylic Name Plate, Sun Board Cut Out, Clipon LED Board, Trophy, Medals, Sign Board, MDF Box, Rubber Stamps|Metallic Letter, Metallic Name Plate, Metal Die, for Making Signage Etc.
It is a very precise & fast process compared to the traditional cutting and making a dying process, bulk cutting machines, etc.
This process is mostly used in Signage Industries, Medical Equipments and Devices, Robotic Machinery, High-Tech Equipment, and Optimum Quality Product Manufacturing.
How does laser cutting work?
Basically, laser cutting machines are attached to the computer with support software as Auto-cad, CorelDraw, etc. when a command is sent on the laser cutting machines, with the help of moving the attachment that marks only the required area. The laser is monitored on the X, Y, and Z-axis, In this process
Controlling wavelength with power supply and lens adjusted the cutting stuff. A narrow laser wavelength results in sharper and deeper cutting for the same supply using a broader wavelength.
Laser Cutting Machine Major Component
It’s not a very complicated machine. There are a few components that play a major role like Lens, Power Supply, Assist Gas, Laser Beam Nozzles, and a Skilled Operator. There is a major factor in what we can produce a quality cutting product.
Tips to the best laser cut
- Know the details of the product before cutting if possible first you try on scrape to check.
- Maintain the space between 2 laser cuts that should be equal to or more, the material thickness that helps to be safe and product enough strong.
- Use minimum laser beam diameter to get the optimum finished cutting.
- Do not place any other stuff under the laser cutting sheet, cause that will damage.
- Always keep your lens neet & clean
What is laser cost per pcs?
The actual cost of laser cutting depends on the artwork to be cut automated that varies product made of stuff and it’s the thickness. Harder stuff gets more time to cut compared to the soft stuff. Usually a laser cutting standard charges INR 1000-1200/- Per Hour.
For example, an A3 size acrylic sheet having a thickness of up to 5 mm power supply 60W will cut it within 2 minutes.
How much does a laser machine cost?
Basically, a laser machine cost depends on the Power Supply, Size of Machines Capacity to Cut, and it’s Brand.
The laser cutting machines start range from rupees 80,000/- onward up to 10-15 lack.
What is the science of laser cutting?
It’s a process of supplying a high power to generate more energy to converts this energy into heat to use for marking, engraving, and cutting without the burn process is known as laser cutting methods.
Producing it needs some equipment like a lens, gas (Co2 and N2), Nozzles.
The main element required in this process is the power supply to generate energy, a lens to control laser power, and gas to reduce burning status, a bed to place the object to be laser cut.
When electric power is supplied on the atom, the part of atom known as the electron is excited and moves from lower heat orbit to a higher orbit and compressing the beam thickness of 0.01 mm with the help of lens that burned the stuff and the following gas make pressure to move our smoke or scrape.
Can Laser Cutter Cut A Glass?
Glass can be cut and laser engraved to produce a decoration a fancy good in the kitchen, and drying rooms.
Why Laser Cutting Machine in Branding?
Types of laser Cutting Machines
The advantage of laser cutting
- Low cost of manpower
- Accuracy of cutting maximum
- Minimum wastage (scrape)
- More depth cutting maximum 12 mm on steel
- Low time consumption
- No contact required for fabrication
- Digital Process, Quick Action
- Very low power consumption compared to other cutting processes. it required 1/3 to other cutting methods.
- Low sound pollution compared to other cutting methods.
- Recutting applicable

metal laser cutting machines
Density depends on the quality of the material to be cut stuff as well as metal, wood, plastic, and foam, etc. This laser beam is of very little thickness. It’s cutting procedure is used in industrial and commercial used machines called CNC machines. Now laser cutting and marking are commonly used in Making a Sign Board, Name Plate, Wedding Card, Exclusive Wedding Card, Invitation Card, POS Materials, Packaging Box of Wooden, Card Board, Sun Board, Sun Pack, etc.

Laser Cutting Wedding Card
Safety measure of a laser cutting
1. During laser cutting, produces a lot of smoke, melted materials, and evaporation, you should be made ventilation.
2. Use spectacles and do not see a direct laser beam with bared eyes.
The disadvantage of laser cutting
Being a lot of advantage of laser cutting there are some disadvantages
1. It produces hazardous gas.
2. Doctors advise more uses the case may lead to cancer decease.
How many types of laser cutting machines out there?
There are mainly two types of laser cutting machines
- Flat Bed
- Rotary Laser Cutter
More than 80% requirement of laser cutting ends with flatbed laser machines, Test 20% of laser done through the rotary process just like the product. Bearing |Cylender | Pistons are done through the rotary laser engraving process.
Laser Marking vs Laser Cutting, vs Laser Engraving
These three application processes are a similar mechanism in terms of laser services, there is only a few difference in the power supply.
Laser Marking is a term of low laser impact product that affects the upper surface of the product,
A chemical reaction happens between the laser beam and the upper surface of the product called oxidation that turns a black color of image or text to be laser mark.
It required a very low power as well as 25w-40w for metal and non-metals.
Laser Engraving, it’s another term of using laser services, where an upper layer is vaporized for laser cutting process, a narrow laser beam and high power is supplied, It needs a higher power supply compared to laser making on the same stuff materials.
For the same product laser engraving required a broader laser beam and a higher power supply standard 40w-80w is ideal.
The power supply of 60W is sufficient for engraving on 5mm thick acrylic sheet but not for cutting the same materials. Laser engraving required a low supply and broader laser beam
Laser Cutting 100W-200W power supply is used for laser cutting on for high thickness up to 25 mm thickness acrylic sheet fit for non-metallic Metallic sheet up to 12 mm easily can be cut through this power supply.
How does impact power supply and laser cutting time on the object?
There is a huge combination of power supply and time frame of laser cutting.
- The higher power supply produces a high density of laser beams.
- High-density laser beam cut faster stuff.
- Most people get to purchase high supply laser cutting machines to save time.
Can a laser cutting machine produces engraving and cutting at a time?
Laser cutting and engraving machine procedure are the same, it depends on the power supply, usually, a professional engraver required a smaller size and low power machine.
Especially laser cutter professionals get a high power supply to cut harder and bigger sheets.
Best Laser Cut Service Provider
- S S Industries
A4/1, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase 1, New Delhi-110028
- Hariom Bansal (M) 9971770444, A 21/2, Second Floor, Naraina Industrial Area Phase 2, New Delhi -110028
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