One can opt for Offset Printing when his /her company wants to get a project print copy in bulk and that too in a short period of time.
Get the offset printing price in Delhi click here
Highly used making a copy of multiple of 1000 copies.
Sharp, Precise, Mass Production, and Best Quality Image printing are its specialties.
This process is known as Multicolor Printing | CYMK Printing | Four Color Printing, | Offset Printing, etc.
The offset printing process is the oldest and best printing method in terms of quality and cost-effective for bulk quantity. Even today technologies have boost enough but “Old is Gold” proverb fits here now a day.
One can always go for this printing method even this printing method idea for a situation when you need a project in bulk but in a short period without compromising the quality of the printing. The purpose of using Offset Printing can be educational books, brochures, magazines, newspapers, packaging materials, etc.
Products get printed offset is
Newspapers |Product Catalogue | Educational Book | Novels | Product Packaging Materials | Lottery Ticket | Packaging Labels | Magazines | Calenders | Presentation Folder.
The history of Offset Printing is interesting even till today.
Offset Printing is also known as ‘Lithography‘. As the word “Litho” means Stone and “graphy” represents the writing done on it.
Therefore, together the word makes a sentence which says words written with the help of stones.
Offest Printing is quite dominating because it leaves the clients with a very sharp and clear image.
When professional printers utilized the printing techniques of this method It became a revolutionary step of that era for the printing industry.
But in the begining of the Printing method printers have to work hard to get a clear and crisp image which would take a lot of time and was not that budget friendly also.
This method was started in the year 1766 when a Munich resident named Alois Senefelder who started using stones to reproduce images that were much better than any of the other methods available at the time.
But with time this method developed itself and somehow suprisingly managed to survive till today.
The offset printing method that covers 80% of the printing business industries itself. There are two types of offset printing machines. Both of them printing process is the same but there is a little bit different is only that one print flat substrate printing and another roll form substrate printing.
Both print processes are oil-based ink process known as lithography printing, this process is used for the long-run job
1. Sheet feed offsets:
Multicolor Offset Printing
Sheets printed flat and rectangle shape, one by one pass into the press and come out with complete printing, in this process long-range stuff can be print like paper, plastic, fabric, etc, as per prescribed thickness, as well as 20 gsm to 400 gsm paper, can be printed easily. Smallest paper size starts 11.692”x8.268” to 28”x40”, paper, plastic, and metal, etc. Per unit, the cost is higher compared to the web offset process.
Wall Calendar, Table Calendar, Card Board Box, Stickers, Book Printing, Catalogue, Presentation Folder, etc. is done through this method.

Sheet Feed Offset
Mini Offset Printing, this printing process is used for single color printing at a time and all mechanism is similar to the multicolor printing machines, the main difference is that printing plate is made of polyester coated plastic sheet. Add more color you need to make a new master and print separate time printing.
Bill Book Printing | Carbonless Form | Cash Voucher | Receipt Book are mostly printed mini offset printing process.
People also search for Digital Printing
2. Web offset:
In the web offset paper feed in the form of the reel and entire reel printed job there after the cut into the size and fold to finish job overall

Web offset
covered this process as news, magazines large-scale works are done in a short time, the basic cost is too high, per unit cost is very low in bulk qty. even that is roll form as paper, foil, Bopp packaging materials, or flat sheet this process is known as offset printing.
How it works:
Overall sheet feed and web offset printing process are the same. First of all, artwork what I have to print in offset design burn into the metal plate as “cyan, magenta, yellow and black” each separate metal plate known as CYMK in short as a processed color also and Pantone color can be used instead of processed color. The Next step is these separate CYMK plate design transfer onto different color rubber blanket rolls different color blanket run with separate color when media (paper) comes to the contact by press between a rubber roll and metal plate final print production.

Offset printing plate & rubber blanket
Colour Saturation
Sometimes it happens when you set color as per artwork during a running job in CPC machines process color printing, come color variation in a solid color to control contrast it proper we must use Pantone color there is no chance to be color variation.
What is the concept of Offset Printing?
This process is a little complicated, up to 4 color process color and 2 special colors can be printed at a time.
According to the latest trend of the offset printing process, data is directly sent from the computer to plate making machine where data is burned on the metallic plate, this entire process is known as a pre-press work. Where data burn means “text and images etched on the metallic plates”
All metallic burns plates (Known as CYAN, YELLOW, MAGENTA BLACK, are fixed on the offset printing separate roller, Each roller plate has a special ink tank, Water Tank, and a rubber blanket roller as having described.
The concept of offset printing is based on oil and water do not mix as
As a metallic plate rotates and comes in contact with ink and water the area etched on the plate is wet with ink and the rest area of the plate is repelled with water.
The second step is a wet ink plate comes with a rubber blanket roller and leave an impression on rubber blanket
The third step is as the object comes to contact with rubber blanket that leaves thumb on the printing object to be printed
Know does offset printing mechanism works in way of graphics here.
Special Color or Registered
When it comes to color accuracy we must go for offset printing as it is easy to control color while on the printing process and in this process, various media can be printed each of the media have different absorbing capacity and surface after press result may be out of willing so first of all special ink can be tested on the same media to check before the press.
How Offset Printing Differ From Digital Printing Process?
Both the printing process is similar to each other if I talk point of view print quality, print media size, print process, production time, and price per unit there is a huge difference.
Print Quality, offset printing quality is much better compared to digital printing, likewise easy to print lower dot more than 175 DPI in offset printing but not in digital print quality.
Color registration of offset printing is 98-99% accuracy but in digital print cont more than 95-96%.
Print media size limitation is larger you can opt 11″-28″ in wide and lengthwise 17″ to 40″ long against digital printing maximum 13″ to 36″
Offset Print process required a basic set up cost of pre-press but not in the digital printing process.
Print Production Time, offset print process takes enough time but print no/ hour in much enough, usually, 8000-10000 copy can be print per hour. where no required time to set up a file in the digital printing process but printing production not more than 1000 copies per hour.
The Biggest Benefit of Offset Printing for bulk quantity is price 3-4 cheaper compare to digital printing. For low volume print projects, the digital printing method is the best option.
Paper Wastage, there is huge waste in offset printing for the printing of up to 2000 copy you need 150 copy additional, but not more than 10-15 copy in digital printing, on another hand you can say no wastage in digital printing.
Manpower, offset printing required a huge number to run in a speedy way, multicolor printing machines requires a minimum of 5-6 person, where digital printing machines required 1 or 2 people only.
Variable Data too costly in offset printing, you can say not possible. The digital printing process is the best way of variable data printing no need ad any additional cost at all.
Basically, the offset printing process is a mass production copy system.
Print Dry Uptime liquid ink applied in offset printing that takes 30-40 minutes, some cases 5-6 hours depends on the print media and types of ink. But digital printing dry toner is used no time to dry-up print.
Space, for the operation, offset printing unit you need enough space but not for the digital printing unit.
Ink Type and Cost, The ink cost of offset printing is multiple cheaper compared to the digital printing process, this is why digital printing cost goes very high.
Why we should choose the offset printing method?
1. Best print image quality without missing spot and streaks
2. Color separation in equivalent on any material
3. Fast print process
4. For bulk quantity per page, the unit cost comes less price compare to the digital print process
5. Microdot printability.
6. Accurate color registration.
For more info click here
Why ignore?
1. The high unit price on low volume/low sheet run job
2. Required more time as compared to digital
3. High risk if you get any error, as it takes more time, needs to review files, set up the press, make plates make sure proofs are approved before they can even get started printing your job.
What is the basic print project set-up cost in multicolor offset printing?
Each print project basic set up cost in offset printing comes INR 1500/- that includes CYMK metallic CTP plate and minimum print run 1000 copy INR 2000-2500/- Depending on the plate size and print machine quality of print which is very costly compared to the digital printing process required no set-up cost.
Which printing process is the best offset printing of digital printing?
My answer is it depends on your print project, point of view print size, color accuracy, quantity, and print production of time, types of data to be printed, etc.
Keep in mind all things can decide the best printing method suit for your print project.
What is the production capacity of a CTP plate?
CTP plats are very sensitive that can be scratched easily. while it is in use can produce up to 1.5 lac copy. If you use it multiple time it might not produce a few thousand copies.
What is the minimum time required to print a job, offset printers in Delhi?
Usually, offset printing jobs done in the pipeline because it gets more time to set up a print job. Normally it takes a 24 hour but it depends on the running job on the machines.
Who Invented offset printing?
What I have read is “Johanns Gutenburg” who invented in the AD 1439 for commercial purposes.
It is said that the invention made from china the first time to know more click here.
Best Quality Offset Printing Ink Supplier
This company size is very big they provide all big brand of offset printing ink and manufacturer of Pantone ink
3802-03, Charkha Walan, Chawari Bazar Delhi (INDIA) 110006
Email: [email protected]
Best Plate Maker in Delhi
- O. S. Graphic New Delhi 110007
- JMD Digital, A89/1, Naraina New Delhi-110028
Pentone color vs CYMK color
When it comes to 100% color accuracy like your brand or logo you are suggested to print Pantone color print.
Mostly pentone color applied for security document print like Cheque book, Bank Share, Exclusive Product Packaging, etc.
CMYK color is printed in the offset printing process to produce hundreds of thousands. Intended printing color accuracy may be off the original etc. Flyer Printing, Newsletter, Books can be print hassle-free.
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